
>> Thursday, July 29, 2010

Not long ago, I read some books by Nancy Rue, and they were called the "real life" series. Yeah, well, I kind of read them backwards, I think. I read the second one first, and then the first one last. Hahah, but I kinda liked it that way. It worked:) lol, well, anyway, the last one I read was really, REALLY good. Called "Motorcycles, Sushi, and One Strange Book" and it's where a girl stuggles with ADHD.

"In the first book of Nancy Rue's new Real Life series for teens, fifteen-year-old Jessie Hatcher has ADHD and often uses her bubbly charm to cover up her problems. But when her biological father appears from nowhere and tells her she’ll be spending time with him in Florida, Jessie finds she’ll need more than charm this time. In fact, a mysterious book might be the answer to her problems"

This book kind of showed me that, just because someone's annoying you or somethings going on with them, doesn't mean you shoudl judge them if you know what I mean. Like, this girl had ADHD, some things she did wasn't really her fault, her mom was all crazy, and she didn't really know her dad. So basically her life was messed up. Who's to judge a kid like that? It wasn't her fault that she never grew up with a father.

Yeah, I don't know, that's just something I learnt. We don't know what's going on behind the scenes of someone, do we? And some people (or no one) knows what's going behind the scenes with us? It's like, if we've just had a really bad day and then someone goes and makes it worse. Or doesn't like you.

Or, okay, this might be a better example: when a teacher is heaps mean, and says all this mean stuff to you, and all you wanna say back is, "you're not me, you don't know anything about me, so stay away" kinda thing. It's like they judge you about something, and yet, they have no clue what's really happening.

I don't know about you, but sometimes not judging can be SO hard. Especially if they've done all this mean stuff to you, you don't really feel like even TRYING not to judge, right? But it actually ends up turning out for good... and even if it doesn't seem like it, hey, it will it heaven:)

Libby ♥

P.s. Don't forget to check out my writing blog, about a girl named Bonnie Turnbull:)

5 girls have given hope:

Megan July 29, 2010 at 2:11 PM  

The books sound interesting. I love Nancy Rue! :-)


Shelley July 30, 2010 at 3:28 PM  

Sounds really good! I just wrote a poem about judging, which of course you already know! :) And I'll go check out your writing blog!

Libby July 30, 2010 at 4:32 PM  

Maggie -- I love Nancy Rue too :)

Shelly -- haha yeah, that poem was awesome lol:) okkkayye, thanks:) btw, thanks for dropping by:)

carlotta cisternas July 31, 2010 at 1:30 PM  

I'll have to check this out! Thanks for the recommendation :)

Alyson Schroll August 3, 2010 at 5:38 AM  

I did a book review on this book to

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