--->Heelpp Pleaase??<---
>> Sunday, August 29, 2010
okaay,,whos good at figuring out thee "cool" thinggs in poeemsss??
I need thiss for schoooool,quickk smaartt!
caan uu heeelppp??
This is a poeem i have to do (andd read outt to the class:|) read throughh and comment the techniques you see in the poeem,,and the little metaphors, similes, and all thaat stuff. i reeaally need help with thiss and reeaally soon,,so commentt -- pleeeaase:D it wouldd be heeaaps of helpp for mee :) soo-- tthankyouu!!
What Is Hope?
What hope means
Hope is bright shining light which keeps darkness at the bay
Hope is gentle cold breeze on a hot summer day
Hope is to remain positive when going gets tough
hope is seeking more when others think u had enough
What hope means
Hope is dreaming of tommorow
Hope is simmering under sorrow
Hope is sparkles when tears in our eyes
Hope is a beautiful thing & beutiful things never dies
What hope means
Hope is as light as a feather
Hope keeps all of us together
Hope is ubiquitous and free of cost
hope is the last thing ever lost...
so mucch thankss if you doo comment && stuff :)